National Statistical Systems Training Academy (NSSTA) under training division (CSO) of the Ministry, is a premier Institute fostering human resource development in Official Statistics, came into existence on 13th February, 2009. This was established in 8 acres of land at Plot No. 22, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The Academy, having state-of-art facilities for training and boarding and lodging, is committed to building official statistics capacities at National and International level. The NSSTA provides trainings to statistical personnel from both within country, mainly from the National and State Governments and foreign participants. The training programmes are meant both for fresh recruits and in-service Officers for different target Groups viz. Indian Statistical Service, Subordinate Statistical Service, State Governments Statistical Personnel, M. Stat. Students, Professors of Statistics of different Universities, International Participants, International Students of International Statistical Education Centre (ISEC), SAARC participants, need based/ request based training for State Officials and other developing countries.
Besides imparting training, the other major activities undertaken by NSSTA inter-alia related to i) Internship Programme ii) Organization of Seminar /Workshops on core statistical subjects including those sponsored by UNSD/ UN-SIAP iii) Commonwealth Statistician Conference iv) Assessment of Training Needs v) Revision of curriculum/training modules vi) Preparation of the manuals on core statistical indicator vii) SAARCSTAT matters viii) Research Activities ix) Building up of partnership with other countries/international organization x) Deputing of officials to other countries for various conferences/ training programmes/workshops etc. to upgrade their skill and abreast them with the latest developments/ knowledge xi) E-governance/website development and xii) Assistance to other developing countries in their capacity development efforts.
NSSTA to be a Centre of Excellence in imparting training on Official Statistics and undertaking research activities thereto.
Aims & Objectives
- To create a pool of trained manpower in theoretical and applied statistics to manage emerging challenges of data collection, collation, Analysis and dissemination for better formulation of policies and plans for the country. To train statistical as well as non-statistical manpower in undertaking monitoring and evaluation of large scale programmes/projects, through specialized short/medium term training programmes.
- To create a pool of trainers and develop training material in consultation and collaboration with academicians, researchers and professionals from universities, external professional institutions, UN/bilateral agencies so as to decentralize training to the state and sub-district level.
- To facilitate and organize International training programmes sponsored by Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific(SIAP), ESCAP, UNSD,FAQ and other multilateral and bilateral donor development agencies.
- To support the central and State Governments with necessary consultation in matters relating to training of its statistical personnel, designing and conducting surveys & research and for building capacity of their statistical institutes and entities.
- To introduce in near future certificate/diploma courses duly recognized through distant-cum-in house efforts in the field of theoretical and official statistics.
Apex Body
The Academy will work under the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) and its activities will be guided and supervised by the Training Programme Approval Committee (TPAC) under the Chairmanship of DG, CSO, MOS&PI. The Committee acts as an advisory forum in assessing and designing need-based training programmes, and also reviews the syllabi and training.
NSSTA draws its teaching faculty from its regular staff and senior Officers from various Ministries and Departments for teaching official statistics. Besides, it invites senior professors from various teaching and management institutes. For the purpose specialized training it is in collaboration with ISI (Kolkata), JNU (Delhi), Madras School of Economics(Chennai), RIPA (Jaipur), IIRS (Dehradun), UAS (Bangalore), ASCI, Labour Bureau (Shimla), IIPA, IIPS, NIFM, NIRD, ISTM, DSE, IASRI, ICAR, Banker’s Training College (Mumbai), V.V Giri National Labour Institute and many more.
Guideline Documents:
(1) About NSSTA