1. Introduction :
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MOS&PI) is implementing a Plan scheme,namely,“Awards and Fellowships for Outstanding and Meritorious Research Work in Statistics” . The main objective of this plan scheme is to encourage independent and high quality research work in the field of Applied Statistics particularly on issues and problems relating to the Official Statistical System in the country.
One of the components/sub-scheme of this scheme is "Doctoral Fellowships". Under this component/sub-scheme the Ministry provides fellowships for supporting research work for Doctoral studies in statistics from individual research scholars initially for a period of two years, to start with, which is extendable at the sole discretion of the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation on the basis of the assessment/performance of Fellow’s research work.
2. Objective :
The objective of the Doctoral Fellowships Scheme is to encourage good quality and useful research work in the field of Applied/Official Statistics particularly on some of the critical problems relating to existing data gaps in key socio-economic statistics. The priority areas of research work include Human Development, Education, Gender Analysis, Environment, Price, Poverty, Labour, Employment, National Income, Agriculture, Rural Development, Industry, Productivity, Water Resources, Health, Power., Urbanisation and Population. Preference is given for specialized research work in official statistics especially in those spheres where there are some serious unresolved methodological and other problems; and also for the work oriented towards improving statistical practices.
3. Number of Fellowships :
The number of Doctoral Fellowships to be awarded every year will depend on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Awards regarding suitability of the applications for Doctoral Fellowships.
4. Eligibility
The applicants who fulfil the following criteria are eligible:-
- Indian National;
- Serving in Government with at least 5 years of experience in Applied/Official Statistics
- Post Graduate degree in Statistics. Ph.D. registered with a University/institute will be preferred. However, the registration within six months of selection for Fellowships is compulsory.
5. Age Limit :
The applicants should be within the age group of 26 - 54 years.
6. Announcement for inviting Applications :
Applications for Doctoral fellowships will be invited from various ministries, universities having full fledged Departments of Statistics, Statistical Institutions, etc.. Besides placing an announcement for inviting the application on the Website of the Ministry, the announcement would also be sent to selected journals and magazines for publicity.
7. Fellowship Allowances :
The amount of fellowship and Contingency Allowances for incidental expenditure for Doctoral Fellowships will be as follows: -
- The amount of Doctoral fellowship will be Rs. 6000/- per month for a period of 2 years and Rs.6400/- per month for the extended period of 3 rd year on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee.
- Besides fellowship amount, Annual Contingency Allowance of Rs. 15,000/- per year will also be given for incurring expenditures on purchase of items relating to research work such as journals, periodicals, stationery, computer time, preparation of graphs and charts, travel expenses, etc. The submission of receipts is essential for adjustment of Contingency Allowance. The equipments procured out of the contingency funds will be the property of the University/College/Institution on completion/ termination of the fellowship.
- The selected candidates will have the option either to get fellowship or to get reimbursed registration fee and tuition fee provided he/she does not get any remuneration from any part time employment. He/she will have to give an undertaking to this effect. In case the reimbursement sought for registration fee and tuition fee for a year exceeds the amount of fellowship during the corresponding period then the reimbursement would be restricted to the permissible amount of the fellowship.
8. Other Allowance and facilities :
The Doctoral Fellows who are awarded the fellowships would be entitled for House rent Allowance as per the rules of the UGC provided they do not avail of the accommodation of the University/Government/Institution. The fellows would also be entitled for all medical facilities of the University/Institute, if available. He will also be eligible to avail of other facilities of the university/institute as per the rules in force applicable to regular fellows.
9. Leave :
The awardee shall be entitled to all types of leave as per rules of the University/Institution. Leave upto one month may be granted by the University/University. Beyond it, the period of additional leave upto 2 months will have to be got approved by the concerned Department of the applicant. The applicant will not be allowed to avail of more than three months' leave at a stretch under any circumstances. In case the applicant remains on leave beyond 3 months, it may lead to discontinuation of the fellowship which can be renewed by MOS&PI, New Delhi only under specific request of the Univ./college/ Institute, mentioning circumstances and full justification for such renewal sought.
10. Procedure for Award :
Candidates having the requisite qualifications may apply in the prescribed form addressed to the Additional Director General incharge of the scheme for Awards & Fellowships, Central Statistical Organisation, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. The applicant is required to submit a brief Synopsis of two pages indicating the subject area of research along with recommendation of the subject expert who is prepared to accept him /her for the research work under his/her guidance. Ph.D. registration with a University will be preferred. However, the registration within six months of selection for the fellowship is compulsory. The candidate is further required to submit a 'No Objection certificate' from the Competent Authority. The eligibility to draw the fellowship amount will be governed by the respective government Service Rules. The application for the Fellowship will be screened by the Screening Committee. The Screening Committee will, in turn, forward the applications of the eligible candidates to the Advisory Committee on Awards for obtaining its recommendations followed by the finalisation of fellowships by MOS&PI.
11. General Conditions of the Fellowships :
- The Fellowships are generally tenable at any University approved under the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956 or in the Institution deemed to be University. The Institution/ University shall provide infrastructure facilities for Research Fellows to meet all the requirements as per the U.G.C. rules.
- The Fellow shall register himself with the University/Institution as Doctoral Fellow.
- The Fellow shall not accept or hold appointment, paid or otherwise, or receive any emoluments from any other source during the tenure of the Fellowship except the payment made by the Parent Ministry/Department.
- The fellow shall submit a half yearly progress report to this Ministry through the Guide/Supervisor countersigned by the Head of the Department. He/she should also submit an annual progress report of the Research Work.
- The Fellow shall have to submit a comprehensive report to the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation along with three copies of the Published work/Thesis or Dissertation, if any, and abstract in about 500 words of the research work done during the tenure of the Fellowship.
- Any work done during the tenure of the Fellowship, if published, should invariably mention the name of the funding agency viz. Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, New Delhi.
- The Fellow, before the end of the tenure, may be permitted to withdraw from the Fellowship with the prior notice of two months provided he/she refunds to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation the entire amount of the Fellowship paid to the Fellow.
- The MOS&PI, in consultation with the University/Institution concerned, may terminate the Fellowship at any time without assigning any reasons; and the decision of the Ministry in this regard shall be final.
12. Mode of Payment :
Payment of the Fellowship amount and contingency grant will be made to the candidate through the University/college/Institution. The University/college /Institution may open a separate bank account for this purpose. The University/college /Institution is required to send a half yearly Expenditure Statement alongwith Utilisation Certificate. The MOS&PI will release the fellowship funds to the University/college /Institute on a half-yearly basis.
13. Extension of Fellowship:
The Fellow shall submit an annual report of the Research Work to this Ministry. For extension of the Fellowship, Head of the Department should send a report with his recommendation. The Advisory Committee shall consider such requests and make its recommendation to MOS&PI for a final decision in each case.

Please paste a recent Passport Size photograph of the self
Name of the applicant(Dr./Mr./Miss./Mrs.) |
: |
Father’s/Husband’s Name |
: |
Nationality |
: |
Sex |
: |
Date of Birth |
: |
Mailing Address (with telephone no., Fax no., and e-mail, if any) (details like designation, name of Ministry etc. may be given) |
: |
Present complete official address |
: |
Residential address |
Educational Qualifications: (Starting from Matriculation along with attested photocopy of the certificates) |
: |
University/ College/
Year of passing
Class/ Division
% marks obtained
8. Details of Employment in chronological order:
Name of Organisation where worked, with complete address
Whether Govt./ Semi-Govt./Autonomous/Private
Position held
Brief details of the job done
9. Research Work Experience:
Place of Research
Brief work
- Proposed place of research work (Institution/University/College etc. with complete address indicating telephone no., Fax no., e-mail etc.)
- If you have got the CSIR/UGC or any type of fellowship for research, provide details thereof.
- Particulars of the Guide (Name, designation, official address, specialisation details etc.) if applicable.
- Title of the proposed research work :
Give a description of the proposed research work (in about 1000 words) giving an outline of the problem, its important objectives, hypothesis to be tested, indicating also the relevance and possible benefit to official statistical system of India.
- Date of registration and commencement of the research ( if already registered)
alongwith the recommendation of the guide.
- Bibliographic details of papers published and accepted in standard journals (Attested copies must be enclosed)
- Name and designation of the referees from whom testimonials have been asked. The referees should be requested to send the testimonials directly to this Ministry within a month of submission of application.
- Other relevant particulars, if any, desired to be furnished.
I hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and in the event of any of the information being found false or incorrect, the action may be taken against me as deemed fit.
Place :
Date: |
Signature of the applicant |
I ……………………….. certify that the above particulars are true to the best of our knowledge and in case, the above fellowship is awarded to the applicant, we undertake to enroll him with our Institution to enable him to pursue the proposed Doctoral Research Work.
Place: Date: |
Signature of the authorized |
e-mail address and seal |
Note: Except the attested copies of the mark sheets, certificates and testimonials, six copies of other papers (application and brief synopsis of the proposed research work) have to be submitted.